by Brenda Lorenz / Photos by Raul Toro Photography
The occasional sprinkling rain could not dampen the blazing talent from the Young Guns concert at Red Star Live Sunday (8/15/21), presented by Ride the Wave Entertainment. The bands that put on this show were all exceptional! Talent like this doesn’t happen every day, but when it does, it deserves attention! Visit Neptune, Razor and the Boogiemen, Kamenar, Quasi Mo Jo, Sick Hot, Kind Villain, and Stonegrey – This is your next generation of rock and it appears to be in good hands. The phenomenon of getting chills when you hear good music is very real! It doesn’t have to be an emotional song, or a sad song, or a slow song. It can be a hard rocking, explosive song that blows your mind! If you were at Red Star Live on Sunday, you may know exactly what I’m talking about! Especially when you realize that these bands do mostly original songs! Writing their own music, lyrics, arrangement, everything! THAT is something to get excited about!
The temperature on Neptune is an unimaginable -370 degrees, but “Heatstroke in December” brought all the heat you’d want from Visit Neptune! Maybe the name gets your attention but the talent of these guys will hold your attention.
Kamaner performed the song that was the first song that Sean (lead singer/guitarist) and his twin brother and drummer ever wrote together called “Never Enough Time”. I have a feeling that’ll be on a Greatest Hits album one day! I’ve got to include the moment when Sean and John were both on the drums in an incredible drum solo! Pretty amazing!
Quasi Mo Jo and Stonegrey both gave that older rock feel with a fresh innovative twist – like young old souls. I can definitely see these guys filling arenas in the not-so-distant future! And who said hair bands were a thing of the past?! Sick Hot has a definite vintage style with unquestionable distinctiveness! Kind Villain had that stage presence that get the crowd involved in making some noise! You have to get excited when you watch these guys! Got to give props to the lady drummer – that is always cool to see! You might not know what to expect from a band called Razor and the Boogiemen but you know it’s not going to be boring! Here was a band making their own rules with a stimulating style.
All these bands were so instrumentally and vocally talented it was something you didn’t want to miss. The creativity in the lyrics were beyond all expectations. I spoke to Laurie McConnaughey, owner and operator of Red Star Live, and she seemed confident in another similar event in the near future because this was a definite success! This venue is a hidden gem but once discovered, the secret will be out that it’s one of the most picture-perfect live music venues around. It’s easy to get to, the food is top notch, the scenery is pristine, and the staff is amazing!